Mengkompres atau Meminimalkan Ukuran Video
download software yang dibutuhkan dulu, yaitu Handbrake. Install software
seperti biasa, tetap next next aja. Jalankan Handbrake. Saat dibuka, pertama
kita masukan file video yang akan dikompres, caranya klik Source-> File.
Kompres rem
tangan video 1
Temukan file
yang ingin Anda kompres, pilih, buka. Saya memilih sebuah file bernama
Sequence01.avi (2GB).
handbrake video 2
Anda bisa
melihat video yang saya pilih di atas ukurannya adalah 2GB. Langkah selanjutnya
menentukan tujuan untuk hasil kompres, file terkompresi akan disimpan di folder
tujuan. Klik Browse. File saya bernama Video Compress.mp4.
handbrake video 3
Setelah itu
kita atur Output Setting, seperti di bawah ini.
Kompres rem
tangan video 4
atur Video Codec seperti di bawah ini.
Kompres rem
tangan video 5
Siap, klik
tombol Start di atas.
handbrake video 6
akan berjalan.
handbrake video 7
proses selesai, kita melihat file terkompresi di folder tujuan. Bandingkan,
file video sebelum dikompres dan sesudahnya. Berubah drastis dari 2GB menjadi
15MB. Kualitas video tidak turun, masih bagus.
handbrake video 8
Cari file yang mau dikompress, pilih, open. Saya memilih
file bernama Sequence01.avi (2GB).
Bisa Anda lihat video yang saya pilih di atas ukurannya
adalah 2GB. Langkah selanjutnya tentukan destinasi untuk hasil kompresnya, file
yang berhasil di kompres akan disimpan di folder destinasi ini. Klik Browse.
File saya beri nama Video Compress.mp4.
itu kita atur output settying, seperti dibawah ini.
Kemudian, atur Video Code seperti di bawah ini.
Sudah siap, klik tombol start.
Proses akan berjalan..
Teks bahasa
How to Compress or Minimize Video Size
First download the required software first, namely
Handbrake. Install software as usual, stay next next aja. Run Handbrake. When
it is opened, we first input the video file to be compressed, how to click
Source-> File.
Compress video handbrake 1
Find the file you want to compress, select, open. I chose a
file named Sequence01.avi (2GB).
Compress video handbrake 2
You can see the video I selected above its size is 2GB. The
next step specifies the destination for the compress result, the compressed
file will be stored in the destination folder. Click Browse. My file is named
Video Compress.mp4.
Compress video handbrake 3
After that we set the Output Setting, as below.
Compress video handbrake 4
Then, set Video Codec as below.
Compress video handbrake 5
Ready, click the Start button above.
Compress video handbrake 6
The process will run.
Compress video handbrake 7
After the process is complete, we see the compressed files
in the destination folder. Compare, video files before being compressed and
after. Changed drastically from 2GB to 15MB. The quality of the video did not
go down, still good.
Compress video handbrake 8
Good luck.
Find the file you want to compress, select, open. I chose a
file named Sequence01.avi (2GB).
You can see the video I selected above its size is 2GB. The
next step specifies the destination for the compress result, the compressed
file will be stored in the destination folder. Click Browse. My file is named
Video Compress.mp4.
After that we set the output settying, as below.
Then, set Video Code as below.
Ready, click the start button.
The process will run ..
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