Minggu, 04 Juni 2017

video wawancara

Picture Bisnis
Teks bahasa inggris
Assalamu alaikum wr wb. Meet again on my block, happy to read it. Speaking of business, of course in my mind immediately came to the thought of having a business that waw, success and not die in the swallow by the times. What else in a very young age like today certainly would be very eager to possess big dreams achieved. Back to our main topic BUSINESS. It crossed my mind. I want to create a "Hotspot again - hotspot again" business. The purpose of my cafe, not only to attract young people but, from adults, teenagers, and children (all circles). And I want to design my banyangan cafe is in accordance with their respective conditions. Like (for adults) I will provide the appropriate place, food, drink that they want. So also with the young people and children because why? Because we as the owner of hotspot cafe again - hotspot again a little more we have to follow what they want, so they do not feel bored of our cafe. To get rid of the boredom in my mind the concept of this cafe should be changed at least once a month and in every menu available should have a new menu (new ideas). Maybe this is all I can write. Sorry if any wrong words please forgive. Thanks. Wassalamu alaikum wr wb.

Teks bahasa indonesia

Assalamu alaikum wr wb. Ketemu lagi di blok saya, selamat membacanya. Berbicara tentang bisnis, tentu di benakku langsung muncul fikiran ingin memiliki bisnis yang waw,sukses dan tidak mati di telan oleh zaman. Apa lagi di usia yang masih sangat muda seperti saat ini pasti tentu sangat ingin sekali memliki impian besar yang tercapai. Kembali pada topik utama kita yaitu BISNIS. Terlintas di pikiran saya. Saya ingin membuat bisnis “Hotspot lagi – hotspot lagi”. Tujuan cafe saya ini, tidak hanya memikat para anak muda tapi, dari orang dewasa, remaja, dan anak-anak (semua kalangan). Serta saya ingin mendesain cafe banyangan saya ini yang sesuai dengan kondisi mereka masing-masing. Seperti (untuk orang dewasa) saya akan menyediakan tempat, makanan, minuman yang sesuai yang mereka ingin kan. Begitu juga dengan yang kalangan anak muda dan anak-anak karena kenapa? Karena kita sebagai pemilik cafe hotspot lagi – hotspot lagi sedikit banyaknya kita harus mengikuti seperti apa yang mereka mau, agar mereka tidak merasa bosan terhadap cafe kita. Untuk menghilangkan rasa bosan itu di pikiran saya konsep cafe ini harus diubah minimal satu bulan sekali dan di setiap menu yang tersedia harus memiliki menu baru (ide-ide baru). Mungkin hanya ini yang bisa saya tulis. Maaf kalau ada kata – kata yang salah mohon dimaafkan. Terimakasih. Wassalamu alaikum wr wb.

video pidato madehasan

Teks Bahasa Inggris
Assalamu alaikum wr wb
Alhamdulillah.... Alahamdulillahilladzi nas ta’inu ala umuriddun-ya waddin.
Wassholatu wassalamu ala asrofil ambiya iwal mur salin.
Wa ala alihi washohbihi ajma’in, Amma ba’du.
As an appetizer, let us say a sense of gratitude to ALLAH SWT. That never stop the slightest mercy and the joy to us. So that we can meet face to face through a video.
Second time Shalawat an greetings may always, devoted bestowed upon Nabi Muhammad SAW. As uswatun reportoire for us human beings.
Ladies and Gentelmen.
On this happy ocasion we lwt our intention to increase knowledge, intention to worship ALLAH.
Here i am going to talk about : “SCIENCE DEMANDS OF LIABILITY”.
Rasulullah SAW said :
Tolabul ilmi faridotan ala kulli muslim-wamuslimat.
(meaning : “Seeking knowladge (it) is mandatory for every Muslim male-male and famele”).
Science is very important for a person in very way. Science is like a lamp, Science is a light in the darkness.
In doing everyting in order to get a good result, the necessary science, the science that makes a person to know and understand the quality of the worship of god if he know science terms- the terms of worship, values and an important meaning.
Like the saying :
A farmer will not be a succesful farmer whitout knowing the science and how to grow crops. Similarly, a trader will not be a succesful trader without knowing the science and how to trade.
Rasulullah SAW asked people to seek knowladge from the cradle to the grave mothers. As word of his : “utlubul ilmi minal mahdi ilallahdi” (it means : “Seek knowladge from the cradle to the grave”).
To that end, it is our oblagtion is to print our mindset in order to be people who are knowladgeable. Ready to face the challengs of our time, globatation and the development of increasingly sophisticated technology. As the nation’s future, we must be nation that is qualified in all respect and must have ideals-ideals are high for our future later. Therefor, we should not slack-lazy to learn in order to be useful someday in the future. As the nation’s future as well, it is natural for us to have a high morale for the progress of the nation, because the nation’s future is in our hands.
“innafi yedissubeni, amrul ummati, wefi akdemihe, haye tahe” (meaning : “indeed, in the hands of community affairs and youth located in the community life of courage lies”).
So that i can say, all truth comes from God, and i’m sorry if there are words or deeds are less pleasing to the audience here.
Dadang eat sticky rice, eaten after a shower
if there was achance, we will meet again
Irian birds, bird cendrawsih
that’s all and thank you
Summassalamu alaikum wr wb

Teks bahasa indonesia
Assalamu alaikum wr wb
Alhamdulillah.... Alahamdulillahilladzi nas ta’inu ala umuriddun-ya waddin.
Wassholatu wassalamu ala asrofil ambiya iwal mur salin.
Wa ala alihi washohbihi ajma’in, Amma ba’du.
Sebagai hidangan pembuka, mari kita sampaikan rasa syukur kepada ALLAH SWT. Itu tidak pernah menghentikan belas kasihan dan sukacita bagi kita. Sehingga kita dapat bertemu muka dengan muka melalui sebuah video.
Kedua kalinya Shalawat salam selalu, mengabdikan diri pada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Seperti yang dilaporkan reportwe air bagi kita manusia.
Wanita dan gentelmen
Pada kebahagiaan yang membahagiakan ini, kita ingin meningkatkan pengetahuan, niat untuk menyembah ALLAH.
Di sini saya akan membicarakannya: "ILMU PERMINTAAN KEWAJIBAN".
Rasulullah SAW berkata:
Tolabul ilmi faridotan ala kulli muslim-wamuslimat.
(Artinya: "Mencari tahu (itu) adalah wajib bagi setiap laki-laki dan laki-laki Muslim").
Ilmu pengetahuan sangat penting bagi seseorang dengan cara yang sangat baik. Ilmu itu seperti lampu, Ilmu adalah cahaya dalam kegelapan.
Dalam melakukan segala hal agar mendapatkan hasil yang baik, ilmu yang diperlukan, ilmu yang membuat seseorang mengenal dan memahami kualitas pemujaan tuhan jika mengetahui istilah sains - syarat ibadah, nilai dan makna yang penting.

Seperti pepatah:
Seorang petani tidak akan menjadi petani yang sukses tanpa mengetahui sains dan bagaimana menanam tanaman. Demikian pula, trader tidak akan menjadi trader yang sukses tanpa mengetahui sains dan cara bertransaksi.
Rasulullah SAW meminta orang-orang untuk mencari tahu dari buaian kepada ibu-ibu yang sedang sakit. Seperti kata dia: "utlubul ilmi minal mahdi ilallahdi" (artinya: "Carilah knowladge dari buaian ke kuburan").
Untuk itu, tujuan kami adalah mencetak pola pikir kami agar bisa menjadi orang-orang yang memiliki pengetahuan baik. Siap menghadapi tantangan zaman kita, mengglobal dan berkembangnya teknologi yang semakin canggih. Seiring masa depan bangsa, kita harus bangsa yang berkualitas dalam segala hal dan harus memiliki cita-cita-cita-cita tinggi untuk masa depan kita nanti. Oleh karena itu, kita tidak boleh malas-malas belajar agar bisa berguna suatu saat nanti. Sebagai masa depan bangsa juga, wajar bagi kita untuk memiliki semangat tinggi untuk kemajuan bangsa, karena masa depan bangsa ada di tangan kita.
"Innafi yedissubeni, amrul ummati, wefi akdemihe, haye tahe" (artinya: "memang, di tangan urusan masyarakat dan pemuda yang berada dalam kehidupan masyarakat keberanian terletak").
Sehingga saya bisa mengatakan, semua kebenaran berasal dari Tuhan, dan saya minta maaf jika ada kata-kata atau perbuatan yang kurang menyenangkan penonton di sini.
Dadang makan nasi ketan, dimakan setelah mandi
Jika ada kesempatan, kita akan bertemu lagi
Burung Irian, burung cendrawsih
cukup sekian dan terima kasih

Summassalamu alaikum wr wb
Wawan cara
Teks bahasa indonesia
Madehasan : Assalamu alaikum
Ustad Purnama : Wa alaikum salam wr wb
Madehasan : Kalau boleh tahu nama anda siapa?
Ustad Purnama : Nama saya Achmad Purnama. Selaku ketua organisasi di pondok ini. Kalau anda siapa?
Madehasan : Saya madehasan, dari fakultas FKIP UNTAN. Boleh saya saya minta waktunya sebentar?
Ustad Purnama : Boleh, ada perlu apa?
Madehasan : Tidak terlalu banyak, saya ingin bertanya mengenai organisasi yang ada di pondok ini?
Ustad Purnama : Mengenai organisasi di pondok ini banyak. Ada organisasi yang berbasis ROHANI, seperti Nasyid,dll. Ada pula organisasi yang berbau JASMANI, seperti Seni beladiri,dll.
Madehasan : Bukankah disini merupakan Pondok Pesantren! Jadi saya ingin menanyakan seni islami (ROHANI), seperti hadrah. Memangnya hadrah itu apa?
Ustad Purnama : Oragnisasi HADRAH ini merupakan organisasi yang berbentuk Seni yang di padukan dengan lagu-lagu islami dan Hadrah ini ada ketika Nabi Muhammad hijrah ke kota Madinah.
Madehasan : Kalau boleh tahu, apakah anda terlibat di dalamnya?
Ustad Purnama : Tentu saya terlibat dalam organisasi ini. Bahkan saya menjabat sebagai wakil organisasi ini.
Madehasan : Anda di organisasi itu berperan sebagai apa?
Ustad Purnama : Berperan sebagai Pemain alat (Tar).
Madehasan : Kalau untuk alat hadrah satu, dua atau lebih?
Ustad Purnama : Mengenai hal itu alat hardah sendiri sangat banyak, seperti TAR, BAS, DTAR BUKA.
Madehasan : Berapa lama anda terlibat dalam organisasi ini?
Ustad Purnama : Alhamdulillah sekitar tiga tahun.

Madehasan : Apakah hadrah anda ini hanya terlibat di dalam pondok atau terlibat dalam sebuah event.
Ustad Purnama : Alhamdulillah kami pernah mengikuti event pada tahun lalu yang mewakili KALBAR yakni di ajang POSPENAS (
Pekan Olahraga dan Seni antar Pondok Pesantren Tingkat Nasional) di BANTEN. Meskipun kami tidak dapat menjuarai, tapi kami mendapatkan banyak pengalaman selama mengikuti event tersebut.
Madehasan : Selain event, apakah hdrah anda pernah mengisi sebuah acara seperti, pernikahan, maulid nabi dan sebagainya?
Ustad Purnama : Alhamdulillah pernah, terkadang setiap satu bulan sekali kami mengisi acara-acara seperti itu.
Madehasan : Mungkin hanya ini yang saya tanyakan atas waktunya terimakasih.
Madehasan : Assalamu alaikum
Ustad Purnama : Wa alaikum salam wr wb

Teks bahasa inggris
Madehasan : Assalamu alaikum
Ustad Purnama : Wa alaikum salam wr wb
Madehasan: If you can know who your name is?
Ustad Purnama: My name is Achmad Purnama. As chairman of the organization in this cottage. Who are you?
Madehasan: I am madehasan, from the faculty of FKIP UNTAN. May I ask for a moment?
Ustad Purnama: What can I do?
Madehasan: Not too much, I want to ask about the organization in this cottage?
Ustad Purnama: Regarding the organization in this cottage a lot. There are organizations based on SPIRIT, like Nasyid, etc. There are also organizations that smell JASMANI, such as martial arts, etc..
Madehasan: Is not here a Pondok Pesantren! So I want to ask about Islamic art (ROHANI), like hadrah. What is it?
Ustad Purnama: Oragnisasi HADRAH This is an organization in the form of Art in mixed with Islamic songs and Hadrah is there when the Prophet Muhammad moved to the city of Medina.

Madehasan: If you may know, are you involved in it?
Ustad Purnama: Of course I am involved in this organization. In fact I served as a representative of this organization.
Madehasan: Which organization do you play in?
Ustad Purnama: Acting as a Tool Player (Tar).
Madehasan: If for one, two or more means of attainment?
Ustad Purnama: Regarding that matter own tool very much, like TAR, BAS, DTAR OPEN.
Madehasan: How long have you been involved in this organization?
Ustad Purnama: Alhamdulillah about three years.
Madehasan: Whether your hostage is only involved in the lodge or involved in an event.
Ustad Purnama: Alhamdulillah we have attended event last year representing KALBAR that is in POSPENAS event (Week of Sports and Art between Pondok Pesantren Nasional) in BANTEN. Although we can not win, but we get a lot of experience during the event.
Madehasan: In addition to the event, did you ever fill up an event like, marriage, mawlid of the Prophet and so on?
Ustad Purnama: Alhamdulillah ever, sometimes every once a month we fill events like that.
Madehasan: Maybe this is just what I asked for his time thank you.

Madehasan : Assalamu alaikum
Ustad Purnama : Wa alaikum salam wr wb
Cara Mengkompres atau Meminimalkan Ukuran Video

Pertama download software yang dibutuhkan dulu, yaitu Handbrake. Install software seperti biasa, tetap next next aja. Jalankan Handbrake. Saat dibuka, pertama kita masukan file video yang akan dikompres, caranya klik Source-> File.
Kompres rem tangan video 1
Temukan file yang ingin Anda kompres, pilih, buka. Saya memilih sebuah file bernama Sequence01.avi (2GB).
Kompres handbrake video 2
Anda bisa melihat video yang saya pilih di atas ukurannya adalah 2GB. Langkah selanjutnya menentukan tujuan untuk hasil kompres, file terkompresi akan disimpan di folder tujuan. Klik Browse. File saya bernama Video Compress.mp4.
Kompres handbrake video 3
Setelah itu kita atur Output Setting, seperti di bawah ini.
Kompres rem tangan video 4
Kemudian, atur Video Codec seperti di bawah ini.
Kompres rem tangan video 5
Siap, klik tombol Start di atas.
Kompres handbrake video 6
Prosesnya akan berjalan.
Kompres handbrake video 7
Setelah proses selesai, kita melihat file terkompresi di folder tujuan. Bandingkan, file video sebelum dikompres dan sesudahnya. Berubah drastis dari 2GB menjadi 15MB. Kualitas video tidak turun, masih bagus.
Kompres handbrake video 8
Semoga berhasil.
Description: compress video handbrake 1
Cari file yang mau dikompress, pilih, open. Saya memilih file bernama Sequence01.avi (2GB).
Description: compress video handbrake 2
Bisa Anda lihat video yang saya pilih di atas ukurannya adalah 2GB. Langkah selanjutnya tentukan destinasi untuk hasil kompresnya, file yang berhasil di kompres akan disimpan di folder destinasi ini. Klik Browse. File saya beri nama Video Compress.mp4.

Description: compress video handbrake 3Setelah itu kita atur output settying, seperti dibawah ini. Description: compress video handbrake 4
Kemudian, atur Video Code seperti di bawah ini.
Description: compress video handbrake 5
Sudah siap, klik tombol start. Description: compress video handbrake 6
Proses akan berjalan..
Description: compress video handbrake 7

Description: compress video handbrake 8

Teks bahasa inggris
How to Compress or Minimize Video Size

First download the required software first, namely Handbrake. Install software as usual, stay next next aja. Run Handbrake. When it is opened, we first input the video file to be compressed, how to click Source-> File.
Compress video handbrake 1
Find the file you want to compress, select, open. I chose a file named Sequence01.avi (2GB).
Compress video handbrake 2
You can see the video I selected above its size is 2GB. The next step specifies the destination for the compress result, the compressed file will be stored in the destination folder. Click Browse. My file is named Video Compress.mp4.
Compress video handbrake 3
After that we set the Output Setting, as below.
Compress video handbrake 4
Then, set Video Codec as below.
Compress video handbrake 5
Ready, click the Start button above.
Compress video handbrake 6
The process will run.
Compress video handbrake 7
After the process is complete, we see the compressed files in the destination folder. Compare, video files before being compressed and after. Changed drastically from 2GB to 15MB. The quality of the video did not go down, still good.
Compress video handbrake 8
Good luck.
Description: compress video handbrake 1
Find the file you want to compress, select, open. I chose a file named Sequence01.avi (2GB).
Description: compress video handbrake 2
You can see the video I selected above its size is 2GB. The next step specifies the destination for the compress result, the compressed file will be stored in the destination folder. Click Browse. My file is named Video Compress.mp4.
Description: compress video handbrake 3
After that we set the output settying, as below.
Description: compress video handbrake 4
Then, set Video Code as below.
Description: compress video handbrake 5
Ready, click the start button.
Description: compress video handbrake 6
The process will run ..
Description: compress video handbrake 7

Description: compress video handbrake 8


Kamis, 30 Maret 2017



How to Give a Speech It's time to overcome what people fear more than death is public speaking. This article will help you through this stressful event. See Step 1 :

Part One of Three:
preparing Speeches

1. Choose your speech. Your speech should be summarized in a sentence. It is your speech that really boils down to: what would you start with and what would you conclude. It's simple and people can understand it. And it will be easier for you, too!

3. Do not dwell on negative thoughts. Ask yourself, what's the worst that could happen? People will perceive you look odd because they do not give a speech according to the "expectation" of them. No more than that. Think what you will get, overcoming the fear of public speaking. • Who are they? Age? • How much do they know about your topic? This will determine the amount of complicated language you can use (hint: if they do not know much, do not need to use it). • Why do they exist? Taught something? Because they have to? Because they really interested? • How long have they been there?

 4. Research your subject. If your subject is you, congratulations! You probably already know you like the back of your hand (or arm or leg). But if not, be examined. Pros and cons! If people can poke holes in your argument, it's not a very effective speech. • Have at least three points to support the message • Only complicate the audience as much as you can tolerate. Stay away from jargon and technical terms if it will leave your audience scratching their heads and feel out of place

5. Use stories, humor and metaphor. A speech full of dull, statistics can make the audience bored. Instead, opt for a story - it is easier to follow structure-- and make them live with things like metaphor and antithesis. • Self-deprecating humor (making fun of myself) have a place. Again, this comes down to knowing your audience and your speech format. A man best speech? Absolutely right. Overcoming the president of your company about the location of the budget? Probably not. • The antithesis is about using the opposite

6. Use flashy adjectives, verbs and adverbs. More about being alive! Take the phrase "bad fishing industry" and change it to "practice fishing industry is terrible." Even something as simple as "We can solve the problem," to "We can quickly solve the problem" is more memorable. your audience may not remember exactly what you said, but they will remember the emotions you are called in themselves. • Think active, too. "When we had the manpower, we can force change," is much more powerful when it turned around - "We can force change when we have a workforce" Make them sit in their seats, you know?

7. So no hemming and "hawwing", no apology, no "I wonder ...," no "Thank you," only to brass tacks. Do not talk about painting - get right in there and start creating images for them. They are there for your speech, not how you feel about it or how you are feeling right now.

8. You must have a clear introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion should both short and to the point, the conclusion becomes a repetition of the intro. And the body? Well, that's everything else. Part Two of Three: practicing Speech 1 Write down your main points. Now you have all you want to say, write down your main points. Part of what you're not sure of yourself on? • Get to the point where you feel comfortable giving the speech.

Part Two of Three:
Practicing Speech

1.    Write down your main points. Now you have all you want to say, write down your main points. Part of what you're not sure of yourself on? • Get to the point where you feel comfortable giving the speech. help you get used to someone looking at you while you're talking. public speaking can
2.     Memorize. Okay, so this is not super necessary, but certainly a good idea. If you know by heart, you can make eye contact with the audience. Do not stress if you do not have enough time - but if you do, take advantage of it. • This does not mean that you should go there unarmed. If your mind is empty, you can look around and go to the place where you need to. Send it to someone. This is a great idea for a few reasons: • Communicate to someone very scary, so it had an audience of practice will help calm your nerves. • Do they really pay attention. At the end of your speech, ask them what questions arise in their minds. Is there a hole in your argument? Or do something to confuse them?
3.    Practice in front of a mirror and in the bathroom. Really, you have to practice wherever you can. But these two places will be very useful: • Practice in front of a mirror so you can see your body language. what movement work where? How do you feel about the break and what you do for them? • Practice in the bathroom because it's probably one you can think of going beyond that. Is your mind a blank on each section?
and leaning on the podium. It's best to stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, and use your hand as naturally as possible. • your speech convey some emotion, right? (The correct answer: Yes.) Take a moment and move with them. You use your hands at all times to express emotion. You still communicate
4.    At that time you might have some idea of ​​how long your speech. You are given a specific time slot or you are given a length requirements for speech. Try to get it comfortably above the minimum and maximum comfortable under - that way if you do not intentionally speed up or slow down.

Third Part Three:
Delivering Speech

1.    Think about your posture and body language. Stand like you have a fig leaf over your crotch is not the way to give a captivating speech. Nor should you go the opposite way with people, only on a larger scale. Although the scale is different, the motion remains the same.

2.     if you can use props.

3.    Know when and how to use the picture. A PowerPoint can be a great addition to speech (for certain topics, at least). Make sure you use it to your advantage! You want them to listen to you, not blown away by the pretty pictures. • Use graphs to illustrate your point, especially if they are difficult to understand.The images can be more memorable than factoid just told, regardless of how important it may be. • Do not face the picture when you're talking!

4.    Select the people in your audience, do not scan. Many people are under the impression scanning is ideal audience - and if it makes you nervous, just sort of scanning the back wall.

5.    Vary your tone. In general, you should speak with a calm, level to understand and speak clearly. But to keep your audience awake and to keep your speech is dynamic, diverse it. Part you feel passionate about the need to clearly stressed! Talking loudly and with gusto! Pound your fist if you need And then there are parts that would feel more like a lullaby. And even the parts that require a pause to let the emotions set in ... AND THEN BACK UP ramped. This is much more effective orally than on text. • Show emotions in your tone. Do not be afraid to laugh a little or show a bit of sadness or frustration.

6.    Do not forget about the break! Think about the phrase, "dihydrogen monoxide killed 50 million people last year. 50 million. Let that sink in." Now think about the sentence with a pause after each period. Got a little more serious, is not it? • Take your speech and actually write on pause if it will help you.

7.    Conclude by restating your message and say "Thank you." You've been through speeches, no one has died, and it is time for your conclusions. Focus your eyes with the audience, thanking them, smile, and get off the stage. • Take a deep breath. You do it. The next time you will give a speech about how to give a speech. What are you so nervous in the first place?

I can not imagine life without problems

Life Without Problems ....?
My father once told me, the problem is the state when what we expected did not correspond to reality. Yes, life is a reality, and vice versa reality is life. Life is the fact that so encumbered with many problems. The problem is like the word rainbow. Rainbow coloring our lives. Life without problems is totally impossible. Problems will always exist anywhere, anytime, and it exists in every human being. Large or small. When life is inseparable from the problem, believe that while it will make us stronger personal self. That issue is before us, not make us to run, but to face it and solve it. Take for example when the morning could also be a problem. In fact in the morning, there are many things to be prepared. There is much work ahead. On the other hand, sleep in beds so delicious. In these circumstances we must "force" myself to get up and move. This is just a small sample of a pile of problems that adorn our daily lives. Many questions arise, why should there be a problem? Why should so and so? Why should there be "an inconvenience" comfortable when it is needed. The problem arises because she had to be there. Humans become stronger with the problems that have come to him. It's like a big tree, whose life continues to grow along with heavy rain and strong winds. Without this, the tree will not reach that height. As well as humans, in the absence of human problems will not develop into better. Life without problems is an impossibility. Good evening and greetings spirit. Thanks.

Rabu, 15 Maret 2017


Readingas you read the text, focus on different types of economist and their activities
paragraph 1
  • Resousces
  • Effort
  • Costs
Paragraph 2
  • Employed 
  • Engage
  • Variety
Paragraph 3
  • Interest rates 
  • Tasks
Paragraph 4
  • Mysery
  • Prefers
  • Risktaking
Paragraph 5
  • Regarded
  • Climb
  • Tyeoons

       Exercise 1.  v  1. I've check the documentation and everything is in order.v  2. inflation has not gone away but it is under monitor.v  3. we constantly monitor the situation and if anything goes wrong we take action immediately.v  4. we apologize for the delay which is due to reason beyond our control.v  5. economists control prices, compute total output and perfome other useful tasks.               III.       Exercise 2.
v             1. costs (n) : (p.1 line 6; meaning: expenses, outly)v             2. monitor (v) : (p.3 line 3; meaning: control, manage)v             3. flair (n) : (p.4 line 5; meaning: skill, talent, inclination)v             4. entrepreneur (n) : (p.3 line 4; meaning: employed)v             5. forecast (n) : (p.3 line 1; meaning: prediction)v             6. provide (v) : (p.2 line 1; meaning: supply, equid, outfir)v             7. job-setting (n) : (p.2 line 1; meaning: placeof work)v             8. liable (a) : (p.5 line 4; meaning: responsible)  
          IV.         Exercise 3.    v  1. self-employed means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.v  2. an entrepreneurial is a person who sets up business and business deals.v  3. a tycoon is a person who is successful in business and so has become rich and powerful.v  4. the industry will have to pass its increased benefits or fringe benefits on to the consumer.v  5. the management will quality accommodation, food and drink for thirty people.v  6. he has always been liable for his children.v  7. the provide of the job include a car and free health insurance.v  8. he won't forecast as an economist until next year.v  9. an individual hoping to start up a new company needs to have entrepreneurial flairor talent.v  10. unfortunately costs of higher profits did not come true.v  11. economists are concerned with the production, distribution and consumption.

Selasa, 14 Maret 2017

Assalamu alaikum wr wb 
Meet again in my blog. This time I will discuss the skills and hobbies in this section. In the block before I promised you that I would tell my skills and hobbies. Right away, so I have his typical easily blend in any case, including in the field of sports, because sports is healthy and membugarkan body and increase stamina in the body. Almost all kinds of sports I mastered take the example of one of them is volleyball. I am very happy sport hand ball on this one. Why, because in this game I found my identity. The game is not just a jump here jump there, there Shemesh Shemesh here. This game takes skill keen to cultivate sibundar in our own hands. In this game I have skill games that are not owned by the other player, friend and foe alike though. If there who have skill game like I mean the guy has to imitate the way I play or you could say he was my fans, hahaha. Oh yeah almost forgot I was very ngefans the volleyball players the world that is called '' Giba. "His real name Gilberto Amaury de Goday Fillho commonly known and in calling a * Giba *. Giba was born on December 23, 1976 in Brazil. Giba is players who are very adept at processing sibundar in his hand, the more I fell in love with Giba is he never won 8 times in the league volleyball world. Seeing the accomplishments I am finding more and more want to wrestle or deepen sport one hand this is because in addition to my own skil different from friends or my opponents. the game is also one of my hobbies. >> expectation: I wanted to be a volleyball player propesional world. Thank you and Wassalamu alaikum wr wb.